Effective immediately, the National Darts Federation of the Philippines is terminating all affiliation of local and international dart organizations, and hereby implements a new process of application to be a recognized NDFP Affiliated Dart Organization.  The renewal of affiliation was decided in view of the following reasons:
  1. To define and institutionalize the roles of Affiliated Dart Organizations
  2. To identify organizations and associations that are active
  3. To distinguish current leadership among the active organizations and associations
  4. To renew and reaffirm the commitment and adherence of affiliated dart organizations to the ideals, programs, and advocacies of the NDFP
NDFP Affiliated Dart Organizations are identified as structured Organizations, Associations, or Clubs that adhere to and support the ideals, programs, and advocacies of the National Darts Federation of the Philippines.  The roles and duties of NDFP Affiliated Dart Organizations are enumerated as follows:
  1. Spearhead the promotion and development of darts in our locality
  2. Render support, promotion, and participation to NDFP programs and events
  3. Adhere to the standards set and abide by all the Rules & Regulations of the NDFP
  4. Organize at least one (1) dart activity sanctioned or supported by the NDFP every year
What are the underlying reasons for dart organizations be affiliated with the National Darts Federation of the Philippines?  As an affiliated dart organization, you are entitled to:
  1. Recognition from a legitimate and government-recognized body that mandates the growth and development of the sport of darts in the Philippines
  2. Guidance and support in the organization of local dart activities and tournaments
  3. Access to the NDFP’s pool of resources, such as:
    1. Network of dart players
    2. Corporate sponsors
    3. Social Media network
    4. Professional Tournament Directorship
    5. Communications & Graphics Team 
Affiliation to the NDFP is open to “structured organizations with identified set of officers, active membership, and endorsed by the NDFP Regional Coordinator”.  To apply for NDFP Affiliation, please submit the following to your NDFP Regional Coordinator:
  1. Duly accomplished NDFP Affiliation Form
  2. List of Officers and Members
  3. Organizational Plans and Programs
  4. High-resolution organization logo in jpg or png format
NDFP Regional Coordinators:
Name   Mobile No. Email Address
Ryan Suarez National 0932 961 9157 rynsrz@yahoo.com
Eugene Pioquinto NCR 0917 900 0271 eugene_pioquinto@yahoo.com 
Pinky Abaya NCR 0919 900 3497 pinky.abaya1970@gmail.com
Wendell Hidalgo South Luzon  0929 408 2920 jandoycute@gmail.com 
Shirley Balabag - Quiteng North Luzon 0921 595 6956 shirleybalabag@yahoo.com
Joel Reconsal North Luzon 0917 357 9871 ceo217stgo@yahoo.com 
Jun Buling Visayas 0917 327 7514 jun.buling@yahoo.com 
Ramon Alcoseba Visayas 0918 003 0221 ramonsyalcoseba2019@gmail.com 
Daniel Quilinging Mindanao 0936 462 7000 danielcabarquil@yahoo.com 
Cris Jojo Bayron Mindanao 0907 712 0715 crisbayron13@gmail.com 
Long Longyapon Mindanao 0908 874 5021 arvie_long@yahoo.com