- Foreword
- 1. Jurisdiction
- 2. Definitions
- 3. Code of Conduct
- 4. Players Responsibilities
- 5. General Playing Rules
- 6. Disciplinary Powers of the NDFP
- 7. Misconduct
- 8. The Disciplinary Committee
- 9. Initial Procedure
- 10. Sanctions
- 11. Confidentiality
- 12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The National Darts Federation of the Philippines (NDFP) is a non-profit organization duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 1998. It was conceived to provide a vision, direction, and leadership to the growth and development of darts in the Philippines.
The NDFP Rule Book follows the rules and regulations set by the Darts Regulation Authority, the regulatory authority for Darts worldwide responsible for providing and administering rules and regulations that improve the image and profile of Darts within the Professional and Amateur ranks. The NDFP Rule Book, reviewed and revised as applicable to the Philippine darting community, will be the cornerstone that sets the standards of behavior for players in NDFP sanctioned events.
The NDFP will continue to assess and review the Code and Rules and will produce amendments and updates to the Rule Book when appropriate. The NDFP website (
www.ndfpdarts.com) contains the NDFP Official Rule Book and will be used to publish any information relating to subsequent amendments.
Florencio Gabriel G. Noel
National Darts Federation of the Philippines
1.1. The Rules shall apply to all National Darts Federation of the Philippines accredited Local Dart Organizations and its members, and in all National Darts Federation of the Philippines Sanctioned, Organized, and Supported events.
2.1. Various words and phrases are used in these Rules for which purpose they have the meaning defined below:
Bye. An uncontested match, resulting in automatic progression for the sole Player or Team involved;
Connected. An individual is connected to a player if he or she is either a family member, a manager, another player managed by the same manager as the player, a business partner or an associate of the player;
Darts Event. A darts Match or Tournament organized under the jurisdiction of or in accordance with the NDFP rules;
Disciplinary Committee. Appointed by the NDFP Board to deal with all misconduct issues and all appeals;
Double. A double-score section of the board including the center-Bull;
Game Shot.
A throw, which must land on a Double, which reduces a Player’s aggregate score for that leg to zero, thus winning the leg;
Any person who has been invited to the event by a Player, Member, or Organizer;
Local Affiliated Dart Organization.
A dart organization recognized and accredited by the NDFP, normally representing a barangay, city, or municipality, and among others a group of darters, usually to spearhead participation to and organization of local dart events;
A person who controls the professional and business activities of a Player;
Game Shot.
A throw, which must land on a Double, which reduces a Player’s aggregate score for that leg to zero, thus winning the leg;
A darts match between two Players or between two Teams of Players as part of a Darts Event;
Match Board.
The dart board on which a Match is played;
Has the meaning set out in Section 7;
The National Darts Federation of the Philippines, c/o Florencio Gabriel Noel and/or Marvin Orlina at 66-B Scout Delgado St., Brgy. Laging Handa, Quezon City 1103 Philippines;
NDFP Sanctioned Tournament. Tournaments recognized and approved by the National Darts Federation of the Philippines following NDFP rules;
NDFP Rules. The rules and regulations drawn by the NDFP from time to time in accordance with the NDFP Articles and By-Laws including without limitation the rules set out in this NDFP Official Rule Book;
Tournament Official(s).
Any official or officials appointed by the NDFP Tournament Director to officiate and/or supervise at a Darts Event;
Any darts player participating in any darts event or activity held under NDFP rules;
Playing Attire. The clothes and
. The official appointed to take charge of match play at a match board or on stage during a Darts Event;
Regulations. The Articles and By-Laws of the National Darts Federation of the Philippines as amended from time to time;
Suspension/Suspended. Means that the person suspended shall not be permitted to attend or participate in any way in NDFP sanctioned activities or events recognized by the NDFP and operated under NDFP rules;
Tournament. Any professional darts tournament sanctioned by the NDFP or being conducted under NDFP rules;
Tournament Director.
The person appointed by the Organizer and accredited by the NDFP to oversee the running of a Darts Event;
Tournament Venue.
The physical location in which a Darts Event takes place;
A triple-score section of the board.
2.2. Words importing one gender shall be construed as importing any gender.
2.2. Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.
3.1. No player or other player bound by these rules shall make or cause to be made any statement, or commit or cause to be committed any act which in the reasonable view of the NDFP is likely to bring into disrepute the sport of Darts.
3.2. No player or other person bound by these rules shall act in a manner which may reasonably be considered to be prejudicial to the interests or standing of the NDFP or which could reasonably be considered to injure or discredit the NDFP.
3.3. No player or other person can associate, affix, or use the name of the NDFP or any of its trademarks and properties without appropriate authorization from the officers of the NDFP.
3.4. Players shall, at all times, behave in a proper and correct manner.
3.5. Players shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the grounds of disability, religion, race, color or national or ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation during NDFP Sanctioned Tournaments and Events.
3.6. Players shall not cause physical harm or injury to another person, make threats of any kind, or display aggressive, hostile or violent behavior, and other behavior which suggests a propensity toward violence, which may include hostile speech, excessive arguing or swearing, sabotage or threats of sabotage of NDFP or venue host property, or a demonstrated pattern of refusing to follow NDFP rules and regulations.
3.7. Players will not deliberately falsify or conceal information vital to any purpose of the NDFP.
3.8. Players will comply and act in accordance with all reasonable instruction of the Tournament Director or any other Tournament Official.
3.9. Players must comply with the entry terms and conditions of each Tournament in which they have entered.
3.10. Each player shall perform and compete to the best of his ability in each Match and/or Tournaments in which he competes and will complete all matches. A Player who concedes a match when it can still be won will be in violation of this rule.
3.11. Players may not, before or during a Darts Event, make an agreement to produce a particular score or situation within a match.
3.12.Any Player, Member or Guest who is asked by the Tournament Director or Organizer to leave a venue at which a Darts Event is taking place under the NDFP Rules, or carry out any other instruction relating to the Darts Event, must do so immediately.
3.13. Players shall not sell, solicit, or collect contributions during NDFP sanctioned and supported events without prior appropriate authorization from the Tournament Director.
3.14. Players shall not carry or possess any weapon within the venue host property during an NDFP sanctioned and supported event.
3.15. All Players, Managers, and other persons bound by the NDFP Rules must adhere to policies and regulations imposed by the Organizers, Venue Hosts, and Sponsors.
3.16. All Players and Members will steadfastly adhere to the NDFP Rules. Any violation will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the NDFP Rules.
3.17. The NDFP may from time-to-time supplement, amend or vary these Rules. Such changes shall be deemed to be effective and binding on each player as from the date of publication of changes.
4.1. Each Player shall cooperate with the NDFP in any investigation carried out by or on behalf of the NDFP under the provisions of these Rules including (but not limited to):
4.1.1. Providing a written statement setting out in detail all of the facts and circumstances with respect to any alleged violation;
4.1.2. Providing the NDFP with copies of, or access to all records relating to the alleged violation;
4.1.3.Any attempt by a Player or any agreement with any other person to act in violation of any provision contained in these Rules shall be treated for the purposes of these Rules as if a violation of the relevant provisions had been committed by the player himself.
5.1. Administration
5.1.1. Darts used in play shall not exceed an overall maximum length of 30.5 cm or 12 inches, nor weigh more than 50 grams per dart. At the start of each throw, each dart shall consist of a recognizable point, barrel, and flight.
5.1.2. The NDFP reserves the right to seed Players at any Darts Events in its absolute discretion
5.1.3. All Players and Teams shall abide by and play within the NDFP Rules and any supplementary rules laid down, from time to time, in an entry form, programme, or otherwise by the NDFP or the Organizer
5.1.4. Any Player failing to comply with any of these General Playing Rules during or after a Darts Event shall be liable to disqualification from the Event at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
5.1.5. The interpretation of these General Playing Rules in relation to a Darts Event shall be determined by the Tournament Director whose decision on interpretation shall be final and binding.
5.1.6. Information concerning any interpretation in accordance with Playing Rules shall be forwarded to the Board of the NDFP for consideration of any amendment of these General Playing Rules.
5.1.7. Any matter not expressly covered by these General Playing Rules shall be determined by the Board of the NDFP whose decision regarding determination shall be final and binding.
5.2. Throw
5.2.1. A Player shall throw darts from a standing position, excepting only in those circumstances when a physical disability or physical injury requires a Player to adopt a non-standing position (for instance from a wheelchair or similar form of support).
5.2.2. All darts must be deliberately thrown in an over arm fashion, one at a time, by and from the Player’s hand.
5.2.3. A “Throw” shall consist of a maximum of three darts thrown consecutively (without interruption for any throw by any other Player) by a Player unless a leg, set or match is completed in less than three darts thrown by that Player.
5.2.4. If a player removes any dart from the board or touches any dart in the dartboard during a turn, that turn is deemed completed and all thrown darts shall be scored. Example: A Player throws two darts and thinking that it is a bust when in fact it is not, proceeds to pull them from the board. The score for those two darts shall stand and the player may not throw the third dart nor re-throw the turn. Or having a hard time determining where the dart landed touches his dart, automatically he loses his turn to throw any remaining darts, and whatever dart has been thrown will be scored.
5.2.5. Any dart bouncing off or falling out of the dartboard prior to being retrieved by the throwing Player after that Player’s Throw does not count and shall not be re-thrown.
5.2.6. A dart that is not propelled towards the dartboard, even if it is dropped over the hockey line, maybe picked up and thrown.
5.3. Starting and Finishing
5.3.1. Any matter not expressly covered by these General Playing Rules shall be determined by the Board of the NDFP whose decision regarding determination shall be final and binding.
5.3.2. In every Darts Event, each leg shall be played with a straight start from 501 to finish at zero which must be on a “Double”, unless stated otherwise in the playing format of a particular Darts Event.
5.3.3. The “Bull” shall count as 50 and if 50 is required to complete a leg, set or match then the Bull shall count as double 25.
5.3.4. The “Bust” Rule shall apply, namely if a Player scores more than the number required then that score shall not count and the Player’s score shall revert back to the score the Player had prior to the Opponent’s last throw.
5.3.5. A Game Shot called by a Scorer/Caller is valid only if the thrown darts: Achieve the required finish and Remain in the dartboard until retrieved by the Player whose Throw it was at the time of calling the Game Shot. A leg is not completed until all darts are retrieved from the dartboard by the Player who has thrown.
5.3.6. If a Game Shot called by a Scorer/Caller is declared invalid then the throwing Player shall have the right to continue the Throw which is in progress in an attempt to achieve the required finish.
5.3.7. If, as a result of any error declared under Clause 5.3.6 the throwing Player has retrieved a dart, or darts, then the Scorer/Caller shall replace the dart, or darts, in or as near as is practicable to the same position and then invite the throwing Player to complete that Throw.
5.3.8. Any dart or darts mistakenly thrown by a Player after scoring the Game Shot shall not be counted as the respective leg, set or match is concluded by the Game Shot.
5.3.9. No indication of the required double to make the Game Shot shall be given by the Marker or the Scorer/Caller (namely, for instance, “32 required” is permitted but not “Double 16 required”.
5.3.10. The first Player to reduce the score required to exactly zero by obtaining the required Double is the winner of that leg, set or match, whichever is applicable.
5.3.11. The Scorer/Caller will have the final say in all matters relating to starting and finishing.
5.4. Scoring
5.4.1. A dart shall only score if the tip of the dart remains in or touches the face of the dartboard within the outer double wire and, having been “called”, is retrieved from the face of the dartboard by the Player throwing the dart.
5.4.2. A scoring dart is counted by reference to the segment into which the point of the dart enters and remains in or touching the face of the dartboard.
5.4.3. Darts shall be retrieved from the dartboard by the throwing Player but only after the score has been called by the Scorer/Caller or recorded and acknowledged by the opponent.
5.4.4. A protest about the score attained or called, after the retrieval of the darts from the board, may not be confirmed or validated.
5.4.5. All scores and subtractions made should be checked by the Scorer/Caller and the Players, after each Throw and, where practicable, before the next Player’s Throw begins.
5.4.6. All requests by a Player to check his or her own score recorded, or subtraction made, must be made before that Player’s next Throw, and in any event such requests can only relate to that Player’s last completed Throw.
5.4.7. Errors in arithmetic shall stand as displayed on the scoreboard unless corrected prior to the next Throw of the Player whose score is in error.
5.4.8. The actual score required by a Player must be shown on the score board, clearly visible at eye level in front of the Players and the Scorer/Caller.
5.4.9. The Scorer/Caller shall act as an umpire in all matters pertaining to these General Playing Rules while conducting a Darts Event and shall, if it is necessary, consult with scorers and other officials before announcing any decisions during the course of match play.
5.4.10. All scores should be written clearly and legibly on the scoreboard.
5.5. Dartboards
5.5.1. All dartboards shall be of the “Bristle” type.
5.5.2. All dartboards shall be of the “1-20 Clock” pattern.
5.5.3. The inner narrow band shall score treble the segment number.
5.5.4. The outer narrow band shall score double the segment number.
5.5.5. The outer center ring shall score 25.
5.5.6. The inner center ring shall score 50 and shall be called the “Bull”.
5.5.7. All the wires forming the doubles and trebles segment, inner and outer center rings which together form the “Spider”, shall be affixed to the face of the dartboard in such a manner that they lie flat on the face of the dartboard and feature no gaps or splits.
The dartboard shall be fixed in such a manner that the perpendicular height from the floor (to be at the same level as the Throwing Line) to the center of the Bull shall measure 1.73 (5 ft. 8 in).
5.5.8. The dartboard shall be fixed such that the 20 segment is colored black and is at the top of the dartboard.
5.5.9. Subject to these General Playing Rules the Tournament Director, whether requested or not, can decide that a dartboard should be changed at any time. In addition to this a Player or team captain shall have the right to request that a dartboard be changed during the course of a match. Such a request will be considered by the Scorer/Caller or an Official and, if deemed appropriate, change the board. Should the opposing Player or team captain object to the board being changed, the decision will be referred to the Tournament Director whose decision will be final and binding. Any change of the dartboard shall only be made before the start of or after the completion of a leg or at the next suitable break in play.
5.5.10. The changing of a dartboard shall only be carried out by an Official.
5.5.11. Robson Razor Bladewire Dartboard, being a major sponsor, is the official dartboard of NDFP Sanctioned Tournaments. Other dartboards may be used only with the prior approval of the NDFP.
5.6. Throwing Line and Playing Area
5.6.1. The diagonal distance from the center of the Bull to the back of the raised Throwing Line at floor level shall measure 2.93 meters (9ft 7.5 inches).
5.6.2. During Match play, no player shall tread on any part of the raised Throwing Line nor shall the player deliver any dart whilst his feet are in a position other than behind the toe edge of the raised Throwing Line.
5.6.3. A Player wishing to throw a dart, or darts, from a point on either side of the raised Throwing Line must keep his feet behind an imaginary straight line, the position of which shall be adjudged by the Scorer/Caller, extending on either side of the raised Throwing Line.
5.6.4. Any Player in breach of Clause 5.6.2 or 5.6.3 shall first be warned by the Scorer/Caller in the presence of the Player and, where applicable, the Player’s captain or team manager. Any dart subsequently delivered in violation of these Clauses shall not score and shall be declared invalid by the Scorer/Caller. The warning is issued for the entire duration of the event, and score(s) shall be declared invalid for all subsequent violation of the Throwing Line.
5.6.5. The Player with the Throw, after retrieving his darts, will be obliged to turn to their right and to walk back to the non-playing position without stepping into the marked exclusion zone.
5.6.6. The non-throwing Player must not enter the exclusion zone behind or at the side of the Throwing Line until the throwing Player has completed their Throw.
5.6.7. All Tournament Dartboards must be adequately lit.
5.7. Tournament and Championship Rules
5.7.1. Unless stated otherwise Dart Events shall be run on a knockout basis.
5.7.2. Decisions on all matters pertaining to the General Playing Rules in any Darts Event shall be made by the Tournament Director whose decision shall be final and binding.
5.7.3. All Players shall play within these General Playing Rules and, where necessary, any supplementary Rules laid down in formal written or electronic communications between the Tournament Director and the Player.
5.7.4. No Player nor any Team that has been knocked out of a Darts Event shall play again in that Darts Event either as a substitute Player or team or in his/their own right, except in those circumstances when a violation of the General Playing Rules has occurred which has materially affected the losing Player or Team, such violation not having been occasioned by the losing Player or Team. The Tournament Director may, in its own discretion, reinstate the Player or team in the Darts Event either in substitution for or in addition to the winning Player or Team. This Clause shall be construed as embracing any number of Players up to and including a complete Team.
5.8. Entry
5.8.1. Entry fees into any Darts Event are not refundable except in the absolute discretion of the Organizer.
5.8.2. Only the Player or Players named on an entry form as the competing individual or Team shall be eligible to play in the relevant Darts Event.
5.8.3. No Player or Team shall enter more than once in any respective Darts Event, unless the rules of that Darts Event allow.
5.8.4. No Player shall play in more than one Team in any respective Darts Event.
5.8.5. All Players participating in a singles, doubles, or team Darts Event must be under his or her own name.
5.8.6. The registration by a Player or Team for a Darts Event shall be deemed as an acceptance by that Player or Team of these General Playing Rules in relation to that Darts Event.
5.8.7. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse or cancel any entry at any stage prior to, during or after a Darts Event, providing a reason is given in writing to the Player concerned, and its decision shall be final and binding in all matches relating to that Darts Event.
5.8.8. For pre-registration events, Players who enter and then subsequently withdraw from an Event after the cut-off date will receive standardized penalties / sanctions from the NDFP which will increase with each further violation and may result in a suspension.
5.8.9. For non-preregistration events, Players who enter and then subsequently withdraw from an Event after the close of registration will receive standardized penalties / sanctions from the NDFP which will increase with each further violation and may result in a suspension.
5.9. Registration and Call to Play
5.9.1. All Players shall register at each Darts Event at scheduled times which are predetermined by the Tournament Director or Organizer.
5.9.2. Any Player failing to register by the notified time, except in extraordinary circumstances as decided by the Tournament Director, will not be accommodated.
5.9.3. After the close of registration, the Tournament Director facilitates a Roll Call of all registered Players to the Dart Event. Registered Players not called at the Roll Call should approach the Tournament Director to confirm registration to the Dart Event.
5.9.4. Any Player or Team that is not in attendance when called upon to play after the allotted grace period (as set by the Tournament Director) will lose the match by default and shall be subject to disciplinary action. In such instances, Entry Fees are non-refundable.
5.10. Draw
5.10.1. The Tournament Officials shall perform the Draws for each event. Once the Draw has been made no changes will be made even if a Bye is created by non-attendance.
5.10.2. The Tournament Director reserves the right to seed Players or Teams in the Draw for Singles and Team events.
5.10.3. No substitutes shall be allowed in a Darts Event for individual Players.
5.11. Order of Play
5.11.1. It is recommended that the Order of Play be determined by a throw at the Bull in a manner prescribed by or on behalf of the Tournament Director.
5.11.2. In the Order of Play, the Player or Team on the left side of the provided event score sheet shall be assigned to toss the coin, whereas the Player or Team on the right side will chose whether heads or tails. The winner of the toss coin will be the first to throw at the Bull.
5.11.3. The winner of the throw at the Bull shall throw first in the first leg or set and all alternate legs or sets thereafter in that respective Match.
5.11.4. If the Order of Play has not been correctly adopted then that respective leg shall be stopped and then re-started using the correct Order of Play.
5.11.5. If legs have already been completed using an incorrect Order of Play the results determined in those legs shall NOT stand, and MUST be corrected by re-playing said leg(s).
5.11.6. Darts that hit and remain in the Bull or the 25 bed shall be retrieved by the Player before the opponent throws a dart if the second Player so requires.
5.11.7. If a dart rebounds from the board or falls out of the board during a throw then the Player shall throw a further dart, or darts, until one remains in the board.
5.11.8. If the darts thrown for the Bull prove to be a tie then both Players shall retrieve their darts and shall throw again in reverse order until one dart is nearer the Bull.
5.11.9. In case of decision legs or sets, the order of play shall be followed.
5.12. Match Forms and Results
5.12.1. The Match Form must be claimed at the Tournament Directors Table upon call to play.
5.12.2. On conclusion of a Match the winning Player shall immediately advise the Tournament Directors Table and submit the duly accomplished and signed Match Form, including the scores and signature of the winner.
5.13. Practice
5.13.1. Each Player is entitled to a specified number of practice darts to be thrown at the assigned Match board prior to the Match commencing. No other practice darts may be thrown during that Match without the prior permission or instruction of the Scorer/Caller or appropriate Official. If no number is specified, this shall be deemed to be nine (9).
5.13.2. Practice darts are officially thrown when both Players or Teams are at the assigned Match boards.
5.13.3. No practice shall be allowed on Match boards after the Darts Event has officially started. Players in an active Match are not allowed to practice on adjacent boards.
5.14. Tournament Play at a Dart Event
5.14.1. No person shall be allowed within the playing area other than a Scorer/Caller, Recorder or Player. The playing area will be defined by the Tournament Director in each event.
5.14.2. Only a Scorer/Caller and any dart board indicator operator shall be allowed to be situated in front of a Player actually at the Throwing Line throwing darts.
5.14.3. Stage Officials are expected to restrict their own movements to a minimum during the course of a Player’s Throw and they are not permitted to smoke or drink alcohol on stage during a Match.
5.14.4. During Match play all Players shall remain silent and only the Player at the Throwing Line shall direct enquiries to the Scorer/Caller. No prompting shall be allowed by any other Player, any spectator or any Official.
5.14.5. Players in a Match are not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol within the Playing Area and Stage.
5.14.6. Breaks of any form in a Match are NOT allowed, unless specified by the Tournament Director for given Match Formats. Players may request for a break during an ongoing Match, but must default the next leg of the Match, or the entire Match. The allowed duration of any break shall be at the discretion of the Tournament Officials.
5.14.7. Any Player in violation of Clause 5.14.4 and 5.14.5 shall first be warned by the Scorer/Caller in the presence of the Player’s captain or Team manager. Any subsequent violation during the same match shall incur the immediate disqualification of that Player from that match. The voicing of an enquiry or protest in a reasonable manner to the Scorer/Caller relating to the match then in progress shall not constitute a violation of Clause.
5.14.8. A Player at the Throwing Line is entitled to consult with the Scorer/Caller on the amount scored or required at any time during a throw. However, the Player shall not be advised on how to finish and win the leg or set.
5.14.9. In Team events where Players throw in rotation, the order of throwing must be determined and displayed on the Match board before the first Throw of that leg, set or Match, whichever is applicable.
5.14.10. Any protest must be lodged with the Match Board Scorer/Caller at the time of the alleged violation and a judgement given on the spot before the leg, set or match is allowed to continue. Any late protests will not be honored.
5.14.11. If a Player’s playing equipment becomes damaged or is lost during the course of a Throw then the Player shall be allowed an appropriate amount of time at the discretion of the Tournament Director in which to repair or replace the playing equipment.
5.14.12. During Match play, all Players using offensive language or trash talk, or deemed to be “mouthing” any offensive language or seen to be making offensive gestures shall be deemed to have brought the Sport of Darts into disrepute or disgrace and shall become liable to Disciplinary Proceedings being taken against them by the NDFP.
5.15. Playing Attire
5.15.1. Players are required to follow the Playing Attire prescribed by the Organizer. Final decision on attire will rest with the Tournament Director.
5.15.2. No headgear, other than on religious grounds, or medical grounds with written medical reasons from a qualified practitioner, shall be worn without the prior permission of the Organizer following a written application from the Player.
5.15.3. Any Player refusing to meet with the Organizer’s requirements in respect of that Player’s Playing Attire shall be liable to forfeit that respective match.
5.16. Smoking and Vaping
5.16.1. No smoking or vaping shall be allowed by any Player or Official whilst engaged in a match.
5.16.2. Any Player found to be in violation of Clause 5.16.1 shall be liable to forfeit that respective match and shall be reported to the NDFP for disciplinary proceedings to be considered.
5.16.3. The Board of the NDFP, or Organizer, reserves the right to prohibit smoking and vaping in any other match under its jurisdiction if it is considered to be in the best interests of the promotion of the sport of Darts to do so.
5.16.4. Smoking and vaping is NOT allowed in the entirety of the playing area, and in areas strictly imposed by the Organizer, or Venue Host.
5.17. Alcohol
5.17.1. No alcoholic drinks shall be consumed or introduced into public areas by any Player whilst engaged in a Match.
5.17.2. Any Player found to be in violation of Clause 5.17.1 may be liable to forfeit that respective Match and shall be reported to the NDFP Tournament Officials for disciplinary proceedings to be considered.
5.17.3. The NDFP shall reserve the right to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic drinks in any Match or at any event under its jurisdiction if it is considered to be in the best interest of the promotion of the sport of Darts to do so.
5.18. Amendments and Additions
5.18.1. The NDFP reserves the right to add to or amend any or all of these General Playing Rules to meet any purpose deemed to be necessary at any time by the NDFP or its Board.
5.19. General Playing Rules Copyright
5.19.1. The entire contents of these General Playing Rules are the copyright of the NDFP and may not be reprinted, copied, duplicated or otherwise reproduced, wholly or in part, without the prior written consent of the NDFP.
5.19.2. When a Darts Event is being staged outside the jurisdiction of the NDFP, the Organizers of that Darts Event may be given consent to state that “the NDFP General Playing Rules apply” on entry forms and other Darts Event literature.
6.1 In accordance with the NDFP’s Articles and By-Laws, the Board of the NDFP and those it has assigned, has the following powers to discipline Officials and Players for any breach of the NDFP Rules:
6.1.1. To charge an Official or a Player with a violation of the NDFP Rules;
6.1.2. To hear complaints from another Official, a Player or any person with responsibility under the Regulations for any matter referred to in the NDFP Rules that an Official or a Player has violated the NDFP Rules;
6.1.3. To hear the charges or complaints as due process and to determine whether an Official or a Player has violated the NDFP Rules;
6.1.4. To hear appeals from any decision on a charge or complaint or disciplinary action;
6.1.5. To make regulations with respect to the procedures for exercising any of the powers of the NDFP Board under this rule, subject to the prescribed procedures in the NDFP Rules, including without limitation the regulation of the exercise of powers to cancel, modify or suspend Officials’ or Players’ rights and privileges by the Disciplinary Committee.
7.1. The sanctions set out in Section 10 below, may be imposed on any Player or any person who was at the time of the relevant incident subject to our bound by these Rules who is found to have committed an act or acts of Misconduct as non-exclusively defined below.
7.2. For the purpose of these Disciplinary Rules, the following shall amount to “Misconduct”:
7.2.1. A violation of the NDFP’s set Code of Conduct
7.2.2. A breach of the NDFP’s Rules and Regulations, including and in addition (without limitation):
7.2.3. Act or default of a Player that in the reasonable opinion of the Disciplinary Committee or its Chairman is capable of bringing the Player and/or the game of Darts into disrepute.
7.2.4. A failure: To provide full or true information of evidence to the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee pursuant to these Rules; or To respect, recognize, abide by and/or comply with any decision made hereunder
7.2.5. An act or omission on the part of an individual who later becomes a Player and such act or omission would have amounted to Misconduct if the individual had been a Player at the time.
8.1. A Disciplinary Committee shall be appointed by the NDFP Board. It shall consist of a Chairman who may or may not be a member of the NDFP Board and at least two other individuals who may or may not be members of the NDFP Board.
8.2. The NDFP Board shall also appoint an alternate Disciplinary Committee Chairperson to act when the Disciplinary Committee Chairperson is unable to act.
8.3. Where the Disciplinary Committee sits to hear a matter, the quorum shall be two.
9.1. Where the NDFP receives a complaint in writing or is of the opinion that a Player or other person bound by the NDFP Rules may have breached the NDFP Rules, the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee shall consider the matter and may:
9.1.1. Determine not to proceed with the matter;
9.1.2. Refer the matter for enquiry to the Disciplinary Committee and impose the appropriate sanctions provided.
9.2. Where the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee decide to put a complaint on enquiry, the player or other person bound by the NDFP Rules charged will be notified of the complaint in writing and be given seven (7) days in which to respond to it prior to any sanction, hearing or other resolution.
9.3. Every Person or other person to whom such enquiries are made is under a duty to give a full and truthful response within seven (7) days unless exceptional circumstances can be evidenced that prevent this. Failure to provide a full and truthful statement will deem the complaint valid and accepted and shall be imposed with the appropriate sanction.
9.4. Upon receipt of the response from the player or other person in complaint, the Disciplinary Committee shall make all appropriate enquiries, and seek advice as they deem appropriate, and if they think fit, seek external advice, and hence deliberate and arrive at a decision for an imposition of a sanction within seven (7) days from receipt of the response.
9.5. A written notice of the sanctions imposed, including but not limited to effectivity date, and signed by the Disciplinary Committee will be forwarded to the player or other person accordingly.
9.6. All written notices of sanctions must be signed as received and accepted by the person or persons sanctioned to be deemed effected.
10.1. Where a Player of other person concerned is found guilty of Misconduct or otherwise in breach of the Rules, the Disciplinary Committee may impose upon that person one or more of the following sanctions:
10.1.1. Temporary suspension for a period fixed in time of by reference to particular events;
10.1.2. Permanent suspension with or without the possibility of reinstatement, which may be conditional;
10.1.3. A reprimand or censure in respect of conduct;
10.1.4. Such sanction(s) as the Disciplinary Committee shall see fit in all circumstances of the case.
10.2. Where the Disciplinary Committee imposes any period of suspension, that period shall run from the date of the written decision.
10.3. Where a Player is already subject to a Suspension imposed under section 10.1, the period shall run from the date of the Player’s original suspension.
Breach/Violation |
Written Warning |
Temporary Suspension |
Permanent Suspension |
Acts committed to bring into disrepute the sport of Darts |
1st violation |
2nd violation – 3 months |
3rd violation |
Acts committed to injure or discredit the NDFP |
1st violation – 3 months
2nd violation – 6 months |
3rd violation |
Unauthorized use of NDFP name and its properties |
1st violation |
Acts of Discrimination |
1st violation – 6 months
2nd violation – 9 months |
Acts of Physical Injury |
1st violation – 12 months |
2nd violation |
Acts of Aggression and Violence |
1st violation – 6 months
2nd violation – 12 months |
3rd violation |
Acts of Concealment |
1st violation – 3 months
2nd violation – 6 months |
Acts of Defiance to Standard Policies and Regulations |
1st violation |
2nd violation – 3 months
3rd violation – 6 months
4th violation – 12 months |
5th violation |
Acts of Unauthorized Solicitation and Trade |
1st violation |
2nd violation – 3 months
3rd violation – 6 months
4th violation – 12 months |
5th violation |
Acts Against Rules of Play |
1st violation |
2nd violation – 3 months
3rd violation – 6 months
4th violation – 12 months |
5th violation |
As applicable, before a violation is called, two verbal warnings are issued in any given case by the Tournament Official.
11.1. Save where the Disciplinary Committee orders otherwise, all disciplinary proceeding in accordance with these Rules shall take place in private and the public shall have no right of access to the room where the hearing is taking place.
11.2. The Disciplinary Committee shall not issue any press or social media statement or conduct any press conferences. All media announcements in relation to any decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be made or approved by the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. There shall be no obligation on the NDFP to make public the sanctions imposed, or findings made in the course of any hearing.
12.1. These Rules and any dispute arising out of or in connection with them (including any dispute or claim relating to non-contractual obligations) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Philippine law, without regard to its conflict of law rules.
12.2. Subject strictly to the internal dispute resolution mechanisms provided for in these Rules, the courts of the Philippines shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter arising in relation to these Rules (including any non-contractual disputes or claims).